
  • Double Barrelled Names

    I have a double barreled name. Perhaps would not have been my first choice but name-changing paperwork sounds painful.

  • You Can't "Know" A Programming Language

    I see a lot of job postings that, if they aren’t putting a programming language directly in the title of a position they are hiring for, will put the name of the language as an important requirement somewhere in the job description. I believe this sort of practice is guided by a misconstrued perception of what the relationship is between people and their ability to develop software. There should be no “Java Developer” or “React Developer;” there should be only “Software Developer,” regardless of the languages a person will be interacting with in a job. People don’t know programming languages to the extent they should be labeled with them. It may even make more sense to say that people can’t “know” programming languages to begin with.

  • Looking For A Job

    This is my first post on this page, which is to be my (long overdue) personal website. A motivation is having a place to show off projects and my experiences building them. It’s to be decided if I’ll get around to documenting projects I’ve already built, but I’ll certainly make an attempt to document projects I work on in the future. As the title suggests, I was inspired to make this by my current lack of employment (and unrelenting boredom thereof).